Well, I have written a couple of posts about my rune cloth which I am embroidering. Well, it's nearly finished, and because Tuesday was the solstice, and an auspicious one at that, I decided it would be a good time to look ahead to the future, and to use my rune cloth for the first time!
Well, it was a bit awkward the way I set it up, so next time I won't do it that way. I was trying to find a good surface for placing the cloth, and I thought that the top of the piano would be good, since I already had some candles lit up there and it could go right in between them. Well, since the piano is next to the wall, of course when I threw my first handful of runes, a bunch of them fell right behind the piano! It was a real pain getting them out too. So that didn't work so well. I need to have lots of space for the runes to fall outside of the cloth, or some sort of wall around the edges to stop them from scattering. So, I either need to do it on the ground or in a box. Hmm well either one would probably be decent, so I'll keep that in mind for next time.
I did make a ton of notes about it and I am still somewhat torn on how I will interpret the meaning. I have a couple of ways I can go. There are sections to the cloth, and so when I tossed runes onto it's surface, whereever they land connects them to a certain aspect of my life, whether it be internal or external. That's the basis of the first division of the space. The outer part of the rune cast surface is the external forces, and there are four different sections for different aspects of it, resistance, encouragement, confusion, and family/friends/clan. The inner circle is divided into 4 parts, and consists of the internal influences, emotions, instincts, logic, and spirituality. Then there is a center, which is considered the "outcome" of the cast.
So, in my cast, I can use those divisions and come up with meanings for the cast for each of the areas, or I can use the relationship between the pictures on the cloth and the runes, and the relationship between the runes themselves. Ideally I would use all of these things. The problem is that there are so many meanings and possible interpretations that I don't know which feels best. I guess I will just have to keep pondering it. On the one hand, the way the runes fell was pretty linear so it could be read as a timeline for the year. Really, it's possible I could read it as a timeline, and then look at each section as being dominated by that section. Or I can separate the two, the timeline reading, and the sections, and then sort of compare and contrast and consider them both seperately. I just don't know, there's too many possibilities.
I decided to let it sit for a little bit and at least sleep on it to get a better idea of what I think I should do. Well, I have been pondering it since then and I'm still not solidified about this. I think I need to read a bit more about the AEttir cast and what the sections are about. Maybe there is more of a fusion possible of these elements than I originally thought! The meanings of the "worlds" which are of course the ways that the cloth is divided may be a good way to get some clarity.
The other thing that I was kinda worried about was that I didn't do a good enough job focusing. But at the same time, it's not goo to over think it either so I'm probably just being insecure. But clearly that trust in myself needs to be solid before I can really jump into the interpretation.
Good thing I have a blog where I can perform self-analysis writing to get to bottom of what I really need to do! Okay, so the cast was good, but now I need to read it with confidence and clarity! At the same time as I felt insecure, I was also scared of what it would say because I'm worried about these tumors I have on my back. I'm scared that I might find out I'm sicker than I thought or I might get sick again or I don't know I'm just worried I guess! At any rate, there were quite a few runes that relate to death in the cast so I can safely say that things aren't just going to remain the same for me that's for sure! There were also some marriage runes too, which is a no brainer considering I'm getting married in 6 months!
The runes will reveal their knowledge all in good time, and I'm not going to rush it! I felt very zen when I did the cast, so I suspect it may be a pretty neat reading once I get it figured!

Well, it was a bit awkward the way I set it up, so next time I won't do it that way. I was trying to find a good surface for placing the cloth, and I thought that the top of the piano would be good, since I already had some candles lit up there and it could go right in between them. Well, since the piano is next to the wall, of course when I threw my first handful of runes, a bunch of them fell right behind the piano! It was a real pain getting them out too. So that didn't work so well. I need to have lots of space for the runes to fall outside of the cloth, or some sort of wall around the edges to stop them from scattering. So, I either need to do it on the ground or in a box. Hmm well either one would probably be decent, so I'll keep that in mind for next time.
I did make a ton of notes about it and I am still somewhat torn on how I will interpret the meaning. I have a couple of ways I can go. There are sections to the cloth, and so when I tossed runes onto it's surface, whereever they land connects them to a certain aspect of my life, whether it be internal or external. That's the basis of the first division of the space. The outer part of the rune cast surface is the external forces, and there are four different sections for different aspects of it, resistance, encouragement, confusion, and family/friends/clan. The inner circle is divided into 4 parts, and consists of the internal influences, emotions, instincts, logic, and spirituality. Then there is a center, which is considered the "outcome" of the cast.
So, in my cast, I can use those divisions and come up with meanings for the cast for each of the areas, or I can use the relationship between the pictures on the cloth and the runes, and the relationship between the runes themselves. Ideally I would use all of these things. The problem is that there are so many meanings and possible interpretations that I don't know which feels best. I guess I will just have to keep pondering it. On the one hand, the way the runes fell was pretty linear so it could be read as a timeline for the year. Really, it's possible I could read it as a timeline, and then look at each section as being dominated by that section. Or I can separate the two, the timeline reading, and the sections, and then sort of compare and contrast and consider them both seperately. I just don't know, there's too many possibilities.
I decided to let it sit for a little bit and at least sleep on it to get a better idea of what I think I should do. Well, I have been pondering it since then and I'm still not solidified about this. I think I need to read a bit more about the AEttir cast and what the sections are about. Maybe there is more of a fusion possible of these elements than I originally thought! The meanings of the "worlds" which are of course the ways that the cloth is divided may be a good way to get some clarity.
The other thing that I was kinda worried about was that I didn't do a good enough job focusing. But at the same time, it's not goo to over think it either so I'm probably just being insecure. But clearly that trust in myself needs to be solid before I can really jump into the interpretation.
Good thing I have a blog where I can perform self-analysis writing to get to bottom of what I really need to do! Okay, so the cast was good, but now I need to read it with confidence and clarity! At the same time as I felt insecure, I was also scared of what it would say because I'm worried about these tumors I have on my back. I'm scared that I might find out I'm sicker than I thought or I might get sick again or I don't know I'm just worried I guess! At any rate, there were quite a few runes that relate to death in the cast so I can safely say that things aren't just going to remain the same for me that's for sure! There were also some marriage runes too, which is a no brainer considering I'm getting married in 6 months!
The runes will reveal their knowledge all in good time, and I'm not going to rush it! I felt very zen when I did the cast, so I suspect it may be a pretty neat reading once I get it figured!