Friday, March 5, 2010

Bonfire Spell

Well, lately I have been having some health problems that my doctor has been unable to diagnose, and which are worsening gradually. My friend had the awesome idea to do a spell to help me get better! She checked to see if that was the right thing to do with her Tarot cards, as that is what she prefers for divination. So, once it was determined that we should, it was time to get started planning it. She and our other witch friend will be helping me with it, and each of us is going to prepare something that is in our area of expertise for it. I am so lucky to have such wonderful friends who would want to do something like this for me!

Ok, so for my part I decided the time, place, and type of spell. For the time, it is going to be at mid-day because that is my strongest magical time, it's going to be up at my family's land in the forest, and it's a fire spell, as I'm sure you gathered from the title. Being that it is spring and the fire danger is low, I thought a bonfire would be a really awesome thing to do, because it would work well for the spell and I love them. Additionally, I am going to write out the words for the spell that we will say. As with my last custom made spell, I am going to make a plan first because that helps me to write it. Spell planning can also make my spells more successful because I can keep my thoughts more focused, which of course makes for strong magic.

Ok, first of all, we would need to actually make the fire. I am not going to worry too much about what wood is used for the fire, but I have a really good spot picked out for it. It's in the middle of a meadow where the sound echoes off the hillsides around it. So, the rest of the details of the fire are not too important, in my opinion.

For the materials, we intend to use ivy in the spell, so we will gather some that is growing out there already. It was planted by my grandmother, and while I don't know if that will help, it certainly can't hurt anything. Additionally, we will have some gemstones but I don't know which just yet. I feel like there is something I'm forgetting here, so I might come back and edit this post later to add more.

Ok, on to the meat of the matter, writing a spell!

Ok, first we need to cast the circle, but that I am going to wing it on, as there's three of us and we each probably have some variations.Then we really should make some type of pact to help with using our powers together, like a promise to do no harm to one another and work together towards the same goal.

Next, I'd like to have a short laundry list type section where we say the things which we are going to use, and thier intended purpose. In turn, we can then do whatever action is appropriate for the item in question:
  • Fire - feel the heat with hands
  • Ivy - put in the fire
  • Gems - Charge them with energy, place them (tentative, I don't know what we are doing with them)
So, for the fire, I just assume that will be my contribution. For the ivy and gems the other two ladies will do them. So it will be a three part section, each part spoken by one of us. With the words for the ivy and the gems, I will simply discuss it with the other two on the way there and come up with the words then. For mine, I will write it ahead so that I will have something to base the other part on.

Something that we talked about during the planning of this spell was the fact that each of us have an element that we are strongest in, or identify with more. It's part of who we are. So, I am fire, and we also have water and earth. So, to complete the picture, we need wind, right? Well, I happen to know that there is a good amount of wind in the spot where I will have the fire, so another thing that will be done is that we will call to the wind to help complete the spell.

Finally, I think it will be good to have a unifying stanza which will then direct our focus to the main purpose for all of it, a coming together of the energies at hand. This will be the culmination of the spell, and after, we can then begin to close out the magic. The energy will be sent to it's purpose or back to earth depending on the type, and then we will bust out the food and drink for a celebration of the completion of our first spell together as a group! Yay!

My next post will either be the menu for the after spell feast, with recipes, or the wording to the spell, depending on which I am more inspired about first!

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