Friday, January 8, 2010

The Water Elemental I Met

The following is something I wrote from January 30th, 2009, almost a year ago. It relates to what may have been a water elemental, or some other water spirit, whatever you want to call it.
It was an amazing and slightly strange experience. I was cross country skiing (a love of mine) when I came across a meadow thick with fog. It wasn't normal fog that almost smells dirty, it was clean smelling. The air was thick with water, it was slightly hard to breathe and I knew there was a presence in that meadow. I could feel it wanting to draw me near. It wasn't a particularly picturesque meadow at the time, because there were snowmobile tracks all over it. They tend to do that to open spaces in the snow.

Despite that, it was so quiet and it seemed almost like sacred ground. On my first stop there, I decided to continue on past, knowing I should be cautious about something so clearly more powerful than me. But at the same time, very curious. I was tempted to go look there. I simply said: "I'll be back." And kept going.

I felt like I could feel more than just a magical presence, but also an intelligent one. On my way back by, I stopped again, and this time, sure I shouldn't go over there, I did a little bow as if to pay my respects and thought about bringing my friend who is also a witch with me next time. She happens to be a water person, so that elemental was a better fit for her than me.
For a while after that day I would feel like I was being watched over by something in the sky, and I felt like the weather was being controlled by that spirit, and it was still reaching out to me. I never figured out what it meant, and I have since mostly lost that feeling, though I do sense whether a storm feels destructive or life bringing.
It was a very neat experience, and I can't say that I have really felt something similar since. I have really wanted to and several times I have thought about going back to that place, but I never have. I also have thought about trying to astrally travel to that place, but I have struggled with that type of thing, I think I need more practice. Anyways, I just wanted to add that in there because it was on my mind today. Occassionally I think of that day and ponder what the presence was and what it wanted. Someday maybe it will be clear!

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