Thursday, March 11, 2010

Bonfire Spell ~ Words We'll Say

Well, lately I have been really busy and also of course still struggling with health issues so I haven't written the spell out yet for Saturday! I am going to make a rough draft of it here, and probably go back in and edit it a few times until I feel it's just right.

I realized that I also need to write the beginning, just after the circle is closed, because it is when we will begin the first spell we have done together with the three of us. I decided that this is a big deal and wanted to just go with something basic and proven for this. What better way to do it than to use some of the rede! Indeed.

*Note* This is re-worded by me because I don't like saying "thee" and "thy", I feel like I'm roleplaying and then I am thinking about things other than what I should be, which is the purpose of the words.

Here it is:

Bide the wiccan laws we must,
in perfect love and perfect trust.
In these eight words, the wiccan rede fulfill,
and it harm none, do what you will.

Fire light, burn bright,
unleash destruction for this blight,
burn what should have perished,
but save what should be cherished,
feel the intention in our will,
burn for victory from this ill!

Ivy with relentless conviction,
wind your tendrils round this affliction,
cling to it with all your power,
so it too may be devoured.

Fiery agate, transform bad to good,
Cool amethyst, banish fear and doubt,
Strong bloodstone, close the wounds,
Clear crystal, cleanse the body,
Bright diamond, rebuild the defenses,
Truthful hermatite, to learn the new way.

Western Winds, come to us,
come to heal in time of need,
come in haste, we three do plead,
clear the path, bring well-being near.

Flesh and bone be sound as stone, 
Spirit, heal, with kiss to seal,
tis well, so mote it be!

Our work is done, let the gift go forth,
like the dancing wild, like the blessing sun,
like the healing rain, like the fruitful earth,
with the blessing power of the ancient gods,
bring good to this work, and harm none.

(close circle, get food ready that wasn't warming at fire, get out cider!)

Blessed be this food,
blessed be the land that nurtured it,
and the sun that gave it power,
and blessed be all hands,
that have brought this food to us.

Then just some grounding/hanging out before we have to go home again. It's going to be pretty cold and I fear it might rain or snow. But, we will give it our best shot and see what happens! There are places we could stop that may have fire possibilities. In the meantime, I am going to hope for an hour or two of sunshine on Saturday afternoon!

Phew, that was a lot. I don't need all of it really, but you know, depending on my mood, I may or may not do it all. But, I do feel good about the plan now. That is really why I like to write it out. Then I am very clear on the purpose for all the parts of the spell so that I can visualize it much more effectively. Mmm now to find a good recipe!

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